1 Mar 2024
The Lord (Greg Anderson) Announces New Album, Worship: Bernard Herrmann Tribute
The first release on new Southern Lord label subdivision, The Lord Recordings, will be out this May-June. // Pre-order now.
Having released two-full lengths of emotive, atmospheric instrumental and/or wordless music throughout 2022, Greg Anderson returns as The Lord with Worship: Bernard Herrmann Tribute, an album consisting of 9 new pieces of suspenseful and evocative guitar music, inspired by the film compositions of Bernard Herrmann.
Two tracks from the album are available to listen to today; “Psycho: Marion & Sam” and “Farenheit 451: The Reading.”
Anderson has been working on these compositions since 2021, his solo output having been greatly influenced by Herrmann. Southern Lord & The Lord Recordings present this limited edition 12” and Bandcamp exclusive digital release in May-June 2024. Pre order via Bandcamp and via the Southern Lord store.
Bernard Herrmann is an Academy Award-winning composer, most notable for his collaborations with Alfred Hitchcock, including for films Vertigo, North By Northwest and Psycho. He also composed for films Cape Fear, The Bride Wore Black, Fahrenheit 451 and Citizen Kane, all of which receive a nod on this album. Anderson’s compositions take cues from the dramatic tension which Herrmann excelled at, and create a noir-esque atmosphere of expectancy through repetition and introspection.
Greg Anderson began making music in the mid-eighties with hardcore bands False Liberty and Brotherhood before refining his musicality during the nineties with the post-hardcore collective Engine Kid. From that point on, the musical direction started shifting, channelling his love of tone, riffs and repetitive sound, vital elements that feed into the meditative cosmos of the band he co-founded: SUNN O))), and the ‘low and slow’ sounds of Goatsnake, both of whom find different ways to move beyond confines and tropes of their respective sound worlds.
Unintentionally moving in a different direction from those bands within which he found his feet, Anderson was able to take on the mantle of The Lord in a new, pictorial approach to heavy music. Through this process, he has found himself moved to collaborate with vocalists/musicians he admires which to date includes; Robin Wattie (BIG|BRAVE), William Duvall, Petra Haden, David Pajo, Daniel Kubinski and most recently, Marthe.
The record begun in the Lord’s Cave throughout 2021-2024, finished in 2024 at Sea Grass Studios, Valley Village by engineer Brad Wood. Production was overseen by Greg Anderson and Brad Wood, and mixing and mastering was completed by Brad Wood. The design of the album is by Laura Pleasants.